How to Become a Life Coach in Florida
Do people tell you that you’re a good listener, or that you’re the one person who can help them figure out the solution to their problems? If you enjoy trying to help others work through the many challenges that life brings, life coaching may be the perfect career for you. When you work as a life coach in Florida, you’ll spend your days helping people set and achieve personal or professional goals or find a way to navigate through difficult situations.
As a life coach, your role will be to guide and motivate people so they can achieve the goals they set for themselves and work toward meeting their full potential. It’s a fulfilling career that can really make a difference in other people’s lives.
Requirements for Becoming a Life Coach in Florida
There are no official requirements for becoming a life coach in Florida, but formal training can help prepare you to deal with whatever situations come up. Clients or employers are more likely to choose a life coach who has completed formal training or attained professional certification.
Life coach certification can be attained through programs accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF). The first level of life coach certification is called an Associate Certified Coach, and to achieve this level requires you to complete 60+ hours of training along with over 100 hours of coaching experience. Once you’ve achieved this level of certification, you can complete additional training for higher levels of certification. These include a Professional Certified Coach (completion of 125+ hours of training and 500+ hours coaching experience) and a Master Certified Coach (completion of 200+ hours training and 2,500+ hours experience).
Life Coach Training Options in Florida
In Florida, there are several options for obtaining the training you need to become a life coach. You can attend in-person training, complete your classes online or do a combination of both. Some options for life coach training in Florida include:
- Certified Coach Institute – Complete your life coach training in two phases. Three-day intensives for both Level I and Level II training are available at several locations, including in Florida. This in-person, immersive training is ICF-approved and is taught by experienced educators who will cover not only the theories and fundamentals of coaching, but also what you need to know to market your business.
- American School of Professional Coaching – Training to be a life coach through this program is conducted in small groups in live or virtual classroom settings. The Certified Professional Coach training includes 60 hours of ICF-approved coach training hours and 10 mentorship hours with an ICF-certified coach. Florida’s training location is in Jacksonville. Check their schedule page for training dates.
Career Outlook and Earnings Potential for Florida Life Coaches
There are many variables that affect how much you can earn as a life coach in Florida. You’ll be able to choose between working for an organization or working on a self-employed basis. If you’re self-employed, you’ll need time to develop a clientele, so you may want to start out on a part-time basis while holding another job. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that in 2015, life coaches made an average annual salary of approximately $61,900
A Career as a Life Coach in Florida
There are several fields you can specialize in as a life coach. You may want to focus on helping people who are seeking to determine what they’re most passionate about, or you may want to specialize in health, relationships or business.
You’ll be able to find coaching opportunities all over the state of Florida, especially in large cities such as Miami, Tampa or Orlando. Whatever path you choose, a career as a life coach can be an extremely rewarding career choice.